Thursday, July 15, 2010

God is Awesome...Camp Is Off The Charts!

We are in the middle of our camp season and finishing up Sr. High camp. First off numbers were up for us this year, we had a full camp! Praise God! Spiritually, God has rocked these kids in every service. Their hunger and passion for God has blown me away! Last night we showed the movie "To Save A Life" an incredible movie I highly recommend! It has a very powerful message and is extremely well done!

After the movie we had a 100% response from the students to take a stand for Christ, in their schools and communities. Then worship broke loose, several students were baptised in the Holy Spirit with no prompting, it just happened. The worship band Pneuma (incredible!), starting singing "Let It Rain." After singing it through several times, the team stopped playing and for the next half hour the students would not stop singing "Let It Rain."

This morning we challenged the kids to follow through on their stand from the previous evening and to become Campus Missionaries. We had 90 our of 185 students commit to becoming CM's in the SNED! I praise God for all He is doing in all of our camps. It definitely feels like something is about to break! I have junior high camp next week and can't wait to see what God has planned!

We also broke off in the morning with myself and our speaker taking the guys, and Tina and a few of our female ladies taking the girls. We addressed gender related issues. Wow, these students opened up and laid it all out there. It was such an awesome time of cleansing, challenge and building accountability. Our speaker did a challenge to the guys this morning called "Man UP" that was off the charts!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for all He is doing. I am looking forward to Jr. High Camp with great anticipation of what our awesome God will do. Maria
