Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Carefree Days

We are in day two of our Kid's Camp, and just returned from Stinsen Lake. We had so much fun! How could you not? We had the blob, a water trampoline, canoes, a beach, snack shack, and all kinds of fun in the sun surrounding us.

As I was observing the whole scene, I noticed that no one seem to care much about anything other than what was going on right there. No one was complaining or talking about their issues at home. No one seemed to have a bad attitude. It didn't really matter what was going on in the world and we had no means by which to find out. It was just 100% carefree living!

What a fun afternoon. It reminded me of the importance of vacations and breaking free from our daily routines. Living carefree...if it could only be this way everyday! But hey, I'll take these days as they come, and be thankful! Jesus Himself stressed the importance of becoming like a child. Let me encourage you to find time, even if it is only for a couple hours, and practice becoming like a child. Build into your schedule some time for carefree living!

1 comment:

  1. Great thought! I'm going to try to practice that this week.
