Saturday, May 25, 2013

Position Yourself to Grow Your Ministry

The lifeblood of your ministry is directly related to people.  This would include both the people who are currently in your ministry as well as those who may be at some point in time.  

If you have a healthy, strong, and vibrant ministry, it is because you and your members are actively pursuing lost, hurting and misdirected people.  It is because you are actively sharing your story and the faith you personally have in Jesus Christ.

In order to grow your ministry, you have to do more than open the doors of your church.  You have to actively go out and engage in the community with a willingness to share the love of Christ.

As you meet people each and every day, engage them, talk with them, ask questions and seek to get to know them.  Ask them for their contact information.  Then go home and begin praying for that person.  

Within 48 hours, follow up with them.  Explain that you enjoyed meeting them and would like to have an opportunity to connect with them again.  Your main objective is to continue the dialogue and build relationship through building trust.  Whether it is during this meeting or another time, you are trusting God for an open door to share your story and present the gospel message to them.

Be intentional, but not aggressive!  This is extremely important and there is a difference!  You want to be led by the Spirit and share when God gives the opportunity.  Do not force it!

Never assume that someone is not interested in hearing about your story or the Gospel.   Many times people are very open to engage with you in spiritual dialogue, especially when you have practiced good listening and have shown a genuine interest in them first.  You then will gain their permission to share your story.  Many times in doing so, they will ask a question that will open the door for you to share your faith in Christ.

Four Quick Action Steps for Positioning Yourself to Grow Your Ministry

1. Step Out of you Comfort Zone - It will open tremendous opportunities!

The best ways to meet people is to get out there and spend time where you have opportunities to meet, greet, and get to know others.  This can happen at the local coffee shop, gym, community activities and an exhaustive list of other possibilities.  Your job is to be intentional in identifying the avenues and then getting out there and participating.

2. Get Involved - Volunteer

One productive way to meet people and benefit your community is to become a volunteer.  This allows you to serve and to meet others as well.  

3. Develop a Contact List

As you get out there and meet people.  Gather their personal information and begin a small data base of names.  By doing so this allows you to have names to pray over.  It also allows for you to be able to follow up with them. 

4. Build a Relationship of Trust

As you meet people, be sure that the conversation is about them, get to know them, find out everything you can about them.  Take the time to develop a relationship.  This may take some time.  Remember, we are called “fishers of men” and fishing takes patience and time.

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