Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strengthen Your Marriage...Have An Affair!

I am so tired of hearing about or reading about various prominent people and their illicit affairs. Why do these guys get all of the attention in the news? Furthermore, my heart has been broken on several occasions as I learned of friends, fellow ministers, or others in the community who were going through a divorce because of an illicit affair. These choices of delusion have completely destroyed families, ruined ministries, and affected the lives of so many people who were connected to the families. It has come to the place, that I just am overwhelmed!

So I made a decision, why should I miss out on all the public attention just because I am happily married. Maybe if I plan it right, I'll make the headlines too. So one night, I leaned over to my wife and broke the news to her. I told about how frustrated I was, and that I too wanted in on this affair thing.

The definition of affair is this, "a romantic relationship or episode between lovers." Also, defined "an active enthusiasm for something." I decided that one of the best ways to guard myself against the illicit affair that has ruined and destroyed so many lives, was to plan one of my own. An intentional affair with my wife.

Hmmm? A planned romance with my wife, now that's a thought! My enthusiasm for my wife has never been greater! We'll sneak around the house and find places to have a little kiss. While we watch television, we hold hands, we snuggle on the couch. Sometimes if I am traveling in the area, I'll actually stop by my house and surprise my wife. I'll take a few moments of unplanned time to spend with her before continuing on with my day. We even try to sneak in some weekend get-ways. Some call this dating.

Now I'll be honest with you, this affair is in its early stages, but we plan to let it grow. It's an affair that I want to shout out to the world. I want my kid's to know, my church to know and I hope all my family and friends find out. I am 100% unashamed to come out of the closet on this. By the way, today I have been married for 18 wonderful years! I love you Tina!

If more husbands and wives were to plan these affairs with each other, I wonder if it could help avoid so many of the illicit ones that destroy? Are you married? Give it try. Tell your spouse that you want to have an affair, with them, and that you want the whole world to find out about! -LiveChosen

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