Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time…Use It or Lose It

For those of us working with students, we know that we only have them in our ministries for a very short period of time. How we make use of that time is vital. Do we just entertain them or do we disciple them? Time is such a sensitive issue. Hopefully, we strive to be intentional with our time, which allows us to be as effective as possible.

Effectively living, really isn't about tomorrow, it is about today. None of us know for sure if we'll be around tomorrow; but I am confident that I am today. For this very reason, we must spend the bulk of our time and energy on living today with excellence. This is why procrastination is so dangerous and setting priorities is so vital.

Everyone at some point and time is asked, "What would you do today if you knew you'd be gone tomorrow?” When that question is answered, we should be able to establish what our priorities are. Some things may not seem quite so important if we only had one day left to live. For example, cleaning out the garage may be a priority, however, if we knew we'd be departing this life tomorrow, there is a pretty good chance that the garage would no longer be a priority.

So, my questions to you is, are you making the most of your time? Are you being intentional and setting priorities within your family and ministries? Do you know how you plan to use the time you have been given today for building God’s Kingdom?

In my opinion, this is one of the issues many youth pastors and leaders struggle with. Many youth pastors and leaders have vision and know what they believe God wants to accomplish in their ministries, yet there is a struggle to put it into play. Often times the struggle can be addressed by developing an intentional mindset and learning to manage time effectively.

Want to up your effectiveness everyday?

Be intentional with your bottom-line priorities!

Live Chosen!

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